
Showing posts from 2009

November Committee Meeting Kicks Off 2010 Festival

The Marigold Festival Committee officially began plans for the 2010 festival at their November 18th meeting. New committee members were introduced. They include: Althea Geiser, Chuck Lauss, Corrie Salmon, and Stephanie Stoneking. The committee schedule for the year was also set. All meetings will be held at the Pekin Public Library unless otherwise noted: November 18, 2009 ā€“ 6:30pm (Tazewell County Farm Bureau) January 20, 2010 ā€“ 5:30pm (working meeting) February 24, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm March 24, 2010 - 6:30pm April 21, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm May 19, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm June 16, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm July 7, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm July 28, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm August 18, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm September 8, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm ā€“ At Mineral Springs Park Pavilion September 10, 11, 12 ā€“ FESTIVAL WEEKEND September 22, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm October 20, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm November 6, 2010 ā€“ Wrap Up Party at Pekin Insurance Lodge November 17, 2010 ā€“ 6:30pm (2011 Committee)

Marigold Committee Wrap Party

The Marigold Festival Committee wrapped up the 2009 festival year with a party. Retiring committee members Rose Marie Hasler, Doug Snell, Jan Becker and Jullie Nelson were recognized, as was this year's chairperson, Camille McCarty and last year's chairperson, Greg Henderson. You can see pictures from this event at: #

Marigold Festival 2009

Thanks to everyone who made the festival a huge success. We've posted some pictures from just a few of the events and happenings at the 2009 Pekin Marigold Festival. You can see them at:
The NTS Marigold Festival Parade was held on Saturday, September 11th. Thanks to everyone who participated and congratulations to our winners: Queen's Choice Award - Family Plot Haunted House Sponsor's Choice Award - Community of Christ Chairperson's Choice Award - Faith Baptist Christian School Grand Marshal's Award - PCHS Noteables Chamber President's Choice Award - First United Methodist church Mayor's Choice Award - Marquette Heights Men's Club Spook Hollow NTS Traveling Trophy - Central Illinois Tumbling & Trampoline Pictures from the parade can be found on our photo site at: . A Pekin resident posted his pictures on another website and you can find them at:

Pekin Main Street's Friday Night Family Fest

Historic Downtown Pekin was packed with festival-goers as Pekin Main Street's Friday Night Family Fest kicked off the Marigold Festival weekend. The Lip Sync Contests, two bands, and several food vendors kept everyone entertained on a beautiful evening. You can see more pictures of this event at:

Saturday Morning Breakfast Change

There has been some confusion concerning the location of the PCHS Choral Parents' Organization Breakfast. It is Saturday from 7:00am to 10:00am at the Pekin Moose Lodge. It was previously promoted as being held at the Miller Center. We apologize for the confusion.

Pepsi Medallion Found

The Pepsi Marigold Medallion was found on Thursday morning, shortly before the release of Clue #9. Congratulations to Justin Clark (left) and Chet Strickfaden who deciphered the clues and found the medallion. You can find more information at:

NTS Marigold Festival Parade Line-Up

Use the link below to see the line-up for the 2009 NTS Marigold Festival Parade. It starts at 10:am on Saturday, September 12th, and will process down Broadway, turn right down Court Court Street past the Courthouse, and then turn left on Capitol. NTS Marigold Parade Line-Up

Pekin Main Street Annual Friday Night Family Fest

Pekin Main Streetā€™s annual Friday Night Family Fest will be held on Friday, September 11, 2009, from 5-10:00 p.m. on the Courthouse Square in Downtown Pekin. Bring your lawn chairs and enjoy this family event to kick-off the Marigold Festival Weekend. Entertainment on the Lip Sync Stage will begin at 6:00 p.m. with Patriotic ceremony lead by Mayor Rusty Dunn honoring our veterans and memory of 9/11. The popular 23rd annual Lip Sync Contest will begin at 7:00 p.m with Mike Burke and Dr. Chris Michaels from 104.9 the Wolf as the emceeā€™s. The contest will have eight acts in each of the four age divisions: Junior, Pre-Teen, Intermediate, and Senior, for a total of 32 acts. The judges this year will be Mayor Rusty Dunn, the Marigold Grand Marshalls (Larry & Willowdean Stone) and the recently crowned Miss Marigold, Diane Jess. The Lip Sync Stage will be located at the intersection of Capitol & Elizabeth. A few openings are still available for lip sync acts; Free registration forms ca...

Marigold Jingle

Have you heard the Marigold Jingle??? The song should load and play automatically when you go to . Or you can find it at:

Pepsi Marigold Medallion Hunt Ready To Go

The First Clue in the Pepsi Marigold Medallion Hunt will be released at 11:30am on Monday, August 31st. The clues will be in the Pekin Daily Times, on The Wolf 104.9 FM, and on the Pepsi Marigold Medallion Hunt blog at

Wiffleball Tourney

Another NEW EVENT this year is the Wiffleball Tourney sponsored by the Boys and Girls Club of Pekin. It will be held on Sunday, September 13th on Diamond #1 in Mineral Springs Park. Registration is at 9:00 am with games beginning at 10:00 am. Team categories are Competitive (Fast pitch) or Recreational (Slow pitch). Cost is $20 per person with a $75 team minimum. Also available for your enjoyment is the Home Run Derby. This event is open to the public with a $2 fee for ten swings of the bat that are NOT home runs. Download a team registration form at: . You can also download the official Marigold Wiffleball Classic rules at: Wiffleball Classic Rules.pdf

Grow for the Gold Winners

Congratulations to the following residential and commercial winners in the 2009 Grow for the Gold Garden Contest. And thanks to the Pekin Garden Club for their assistance and congratulations on their 80th birthday! Residential Winners 1. Melissa King - Chestnut Street 2. Harriet Arington - Lincoln Street 3. Debra Cooney - Florence Commercial Winners 1. Pekin Community Bank - 601 Court Street 2. Kiwanis Club of Pekin - Court Street across from Memorial Stadium 3. Hoe and Hope Club - 14th & Willow

Diane Jess Crowned Miss Marigold

Congratulations to Miss Diane Jess who was crowned Miss Marigold at the August 8, 2009 Miss Marigold Queen Pageant. Also, congratulations to all of the contestants: Sarah Gouliard, Megan Shreffler, Marjorie Miller, Katrina Robison, Trisha Lynn Fleeharty, and Brittney Heath. You can see plenty of pictures from the pageant at

Friday Night Family Fest

Kick off the Marigold Festival weekend with the Friday Night Family Fest sponsored by Pekin Main Street. There will be lots of food, lots of fun and one of Pekin's favorite Marigold events - the Lip Sync Contest. Bring your lawn chairs and your appetite and be ready for a great night of family fun! Friday Night Family Fest is held on Friday, September 11th from 5:00pm to 10:00pm around the courthouse square in historic downtown Pekin. You can download an application for the Lip Sync contest by clicking here:

CEFCU Soda Stations & Marigold Festival Commemorative Mugs

The Marigold Festival committee is pleased to announce CEFCU is sponsoring the Marigold Festival Soda Stations and commemorative mugs. The 22-ounce limited-edition, dated mug is made of heavy colorful plastic with a sturdy handle and carries this year's Marigold Festival logo. Mugs will be available before the festival at the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce and will include a coupon for soda products redeemable at the festival. Cost is $4.00 which includes a bottle of soda and $1 refills. Look for the CEFCU Soda Stations located on both sides of Pavilion Road in the Art in the Park area (refer to your brochure map). CEFCU Soda Stations will be open on Saturday, September 12 th from 9:00am to 6:00pm and Sunday, September 13 th from 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Marigold Festival 5K Run/Walk

The Marigold Festival Committee is pleased to announce American Legion Baseball is sponsoring this year's 5K run/walk on Saturday, September 12th, at 8:00am in Coal Miners Park. Since 1925, the American Legion has sponsored a nationwide youth baseball program. During these past eight decades, millions of young players have enjoyed playing baseball. The American Legion and their 2.8 million members have raised millions of dollars each year for players to develop their skills and personal fitness; to learn the importance of teamwork, discipline, leadership and good sportsmanship; and to have fun. You can download an application at:

Little Miss & Mister Marigold Pageant

The Little Miss & Mister Marigold Pageant will be held on Sunday, July 26, 2009, with the doors opening at noon, and the pageant beginning at 1:00pm at the Pekin Dragons Dome. There will be a break at 3:00pm for a cake reception. 'Unique Twist' Balloons will be making creations for the kids and there will be entertainment on the stage. Proceeds from the pageant will benefit Easter Seals, with the check to be presented on the Easter Seals Telethon by the winners.

Miss Marigold Pageant

This year the Marigold Festival Committee is proud to crown our 34th Miss Marigold Queen. Beginning in 1973, the Miss Marigold Pageant has become a long-standing tradition of recognizing talented and bright young women with a chance to represent our community during the Marigold Festival weekend and throughout the year. We are especially proud of the pageant's focus on scholarship and in an effort to further recognize that commitment, this year's Queen scholarship has been doubled to $2,000 in an effort to better keep pace with the ever-increasing cost of higher education. Also for the first time this year, contestants will be scored on their personal commitment to community service and involvement as part of the overall pageant scoring. This will also be the second year a separate Community Service scholarship has been awarded to one of the contestants. So who will be Miss Marigold 2009? Join us at 7:00pm on Saturday, August 8th at the F.M. Peterson Theater at Pekin Community ...

Ameren Marigold Festival Showcase

The Marigold Festival Committee is excited to bring popular entertainment to the weekend, sponsored by Ameren Illinois Utilities. On Saturday, September 12th from 11:30 pm to 6:00 pm and Sunday, September 13th from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm the free entertainment stage is packed full of enjoyment. The stage is located north of the Mineral Springs Park Lagoon. Jim Markum Swing Band will entertain you with their "big band" sound. The group consists of 10 very talented musicians from the Tri-County area who will whisk you back to the music of the 'swing-era'. From the golden oldies to the modern sounds of pop, jump, swing and blues, this band can play them all. Bring your partner and dance in the aisles on Saturday, September 12th from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm. Laura Clark is a singer/songwriter originally from Peoria, Il, now residing near St. Louis. No stranger to the stage, she served as worship leader at Riverside Community Church in downtown Peoria for over 5 years which ser...

New Event: Pekin's Next Top Dog

Click the picture above to see a larger version, or download the flyer at:

Committee Continues Planning

The Marigold Festival Committee is now meeting every 3 weeks, as the annual festival draws closer. The committee of volunteers meets year round to plan the details of the festival. They also have a hands-on leadership role in the many events leading up to and throughout the festival weekend.

2009 Little Mr & Miss Marigold Pageant

2009 Little Mr & Miss Marigold Pageant Pekin Dragon's Dome Sunday, July 26, 2009 All proceeds from the 2009 pageant will benefit Pekin Area Easter Seals. Winners from the pageant will appear on the 2010 Easter Seals Telethon with a check presentation. Join us for a fun, family, Marigold Festival event. No experience is necessary. We are looking for girls & boys with personality plus. There will be many appearance opportunities and events throughout the year. There are several age groups for boys and girls. Registration forms are available at the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce, 402 Court Street, or you can download one at: Pre-registration and Q/A at the Pekin Public Library July 21st from 6:15-7:00

Grow for the Gold Garden Contest

Back again this year is the Grow for the Gold Garden Contest. Help make Pekin the Marigold Capital of the World with your Marigold gardens. All entries must have a Pekin address and flowers must be visible from the street. The marigolds can be by themselves or in combination with other flowers. You may enter your own flowers or your neighborā€™s garden. The entry deadline is August 5th with judging on Saturday, August 8th. A photographer will take pictures of all entries. The judgeā€™s decision is final with cash prizes to be awarded. For an entry blank visit the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce at 402 Court Street or download at: http: //

2009 Marigold Festival Grand Marshals: Larry & Willowdean Stone

Larry and Willowdean Stone came to Pekin in August of 1952. Larry began teaching History and American Government at Pekin Community High School, then became a counselor, followed by Principal of the West Campus. He retired from PCHS 36 years later and worked for 3 more years for the ISBE as a vocational coordinator. Larry is a member of the Illinois Retired Teachers Association and a member of the Tazewell County Retired Teachers Association, receiving the ā€˜Retired Teacher of the Yearā€™ award in 2006. In the early 50ā€™s, he worked with Rev. Entwistle and Lester Foote in setting up a Civil Defense System for the City of Pekin (defense vs. a possible nuclear attack from the USSR). Larry also was on the committee to establish the first Group Home in Pekin. He started the Key Club within PCHS. Larry has enjoyed serving on many committees and boards including: Tazewell County Branch of the American Cancer Society; Tazewell County Mental Health Board; Pekin Library Board for 17 years (Presiden...

Festival Planning Continues

The Marigold Festival Committee continues to meet and make plans for this year's festival. The group of 20 volunteers has been meeting monthly since the conclusion of the 2008 festival. The frequency of meetings will begin to pick up as the festival draws near. At the May meeting the committee approved Civic Collage contracts with American Association of University Women, Parkway Christian Church, Pekin Hospital League, and TAPS. The committee also approved contacts with the following organizations for the Pekin Insurance Festive Food Court: Pekin First Church of God, PCHS Choral Parents, PCHS/JROTC Boosters, and the Kiwanis Club of Pekin. The committee approved the following events: American Red Cross Blood Drive, Easter Seals Little Miss & Mr. Marigold Pageant, Parkside Athletics/Pekin Park District Sand Volleyball, Pekin Main Street Friday Night Family Fest, Ritchart Petting Zoo, and the Tazewel County Health Department Breast Feeding Tent.

Jimmy Johns Marigold Bags Tourney Applications Available

Last yearā€™s phenomenally successful Jimmy Johnā€™s Marigold Festival Bags Tournament is back for a 2nd year. The 2009 tournament will feature twice the number of teams (128) and twice the prize money. First prize is $1000. The tourney will be on Saturday, September 12th at Mineral Springs Park, Diamond #1. The first round begins at 12:00pm. Bags is a game similar to horseshoes (without the possibility of brain damage), but played with corn bags and portable game boards. The committee would like to thank the Pekin Community High School graphic arts class and teacher Steve Huey for designing the posters, entry forms, and newspaper advertising. So enter early (itā€™s cheaper) and come out to beautiful Mineral Springs Park to enjoy the sun and fun of a first class Bags tournament. Entry forms may be down loaded at or you can go to the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce or your local Jimmy Johnā€™s to pick up an entry form

Miss Marigold Pageant Contestants Needed

The Miss Marigold Pageant is an opportunity for young women ages 17 to 21 to model, perform and compete for nearly $3,000 in scholarship money. The pageant is open to the first twelve applicants meeting the criteria. The criteria, rules and applications are available at the PCHS Principal's office or at the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce, 402 Court Street. Application deadline is June 15th. If you know a young lady who would be a good contestant, please nominate her. Download and complete the nomination form below and the Miss Marigold Pageant committee will contact her. Nomination Form:

NTS Marigold Festival Parade

Entry applications are now being accepted for the 2009 NTS Marigold Festival Parade. The parade is on Saturday, September 12th, beginning at 10:00am. The deadline for parade entries is August 28th. You can pick up an application at the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce, 402 Court Street, or you can download an application here:

2009 Marigold Festival Logo Unveiled

The Pekin Marigold Festival Committee has unveiled the logo for the 2009 festival. This is the first logo used by the committee that prominently features Senator Everett Dirksen. The Marigold Festival began in 1972 as a way to honor one of Pekin's favorite sons. While in Congress, Senator Dirksen tried to make the marigold the national flower. In support of Dirksen, the community began growing marigolds. While Dirksen was unsuccessful in his efforts to make the marigold the national flower, his hometown of Pekin soon became known as the Marigold Capital of the World. The 2009 Pekin Marigold Festival will be held on September 11th, 12th, and 13th. It's always the weekend after Labor Day.

More Events and Vendors Approved

At the April meeting of the Pekin Marigold Festival Committee the following events and vendors were approved for the 2009 Marigold Festival: Civic Collage PCHS Cheerleading Boosters Tazewell County Democrats Events Marigold 5k Race - American Legion Baseball Package drop off & delivery - Pekin Flames Booster Club Marigold Pet Pageant - Pekin Park District Pony Rides - Rockin' P Rough Riders 4-H Club Pekin Insurance Festive Food Court vendors Boy Scouts Troop 65 CAWS Christian Civic Outreach Faith Baptist Christian School Grace United Methodist Church Family Focus Pekin Emblem Club #424 Pekin Firefighters Local #524 Senior World United Way of Pekin

Marigold Festival Grand Marshal Needed

The Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for Grand Marshal of the 2009 Pekin Marigold Festival. This annual honor is presented by the Marigold Festival Committee to recognize a local resident (or couple) who has given freely to the betterment of their community. The Marigold Festival Committee is seeking nominees who have demonstrated their passion and dedication by giving generously of their time and talent to a variety of charitable and community organizations and activities. The nomination deadline is May 4, 2009. Nomination forms are available at the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce, 402 Court Street, or the form can be downloaded at: .

Events & Vendors Approved

At the March meeting of the Chamber's Marigold Festival Committee, the following events and vendors were approved. Pekin Insurance Festive Food Court vendors American Cancer Society Boy Scout Troop 62 Job's Daughters Bethel #55 Pekin Rotary Club Salvation Army Southside Business Association Civic Collage Illinois Secretary of State Tazewell County Democrats Events Boys & Girls Club of Pekin - Wiffleball Tournament on Sunday Pekin Hospital - First Aid Station Rockin' P Rough Riders 4H Club - Pony Leads & Pictures Upper Limits, Inc. - Climbing Wall

Festival Planning Summary

The Marigold Festival Committee has been hard at work planning the 2009 festival. Here are some highlights from the first three committee meetings of 2009: CEFCU will sponsor the the soda stations in 2009. Pepsi will return once again to sponsor the Pepsi Marigold Medallion Hunt. A couple new events under consideration for the 2009 festival are a wiffleball tournament and a dog show. Supplies have been purchased for the marigold beds located throughout Pekin. We're currently recruiting sponsors to help with the cost of the plantings. The Jimmy Johns Marigold Bags Tourney will be back and even bigger than last year. Look for larger prize payouts to more teams, and an expanded tournament bracket with more game courts. The date of the Miss Marigold Pageant has been tentatively set for Saturday, August 8th at Pekin Community High School. Look for application packets to be ready by the end of April. Pekin Insurance has agreed to return as the sponsor of the Pekin Insurance Festive Food ...