
Showing posts from May, 2009

2009 Marigold Festival Grand Marshals: Larry & Willowdean Stone

Larry and Willowdean Stone came to Pekin in August of 1952. Larry began teaching History and American Government at Pekin Community High School, then became a counselor, followed by Principal of the West Campus. He retired from PCHS 36 years later and worked for 3 more years for the ISBE as a vocational coordinator. Larry is a member of the Illinois Retired Teachers Association and a member of the Tazewell County Retired Teachers Association, receiving the ā€˜Retired Teacher of the Yearā€™ award in 2006. In the early 50ā€™s, he worked with Rev. Entwistle and Lester Foote in setting up a Civil Defense System for the City of Pekin (defense vs. a possible nuclear attack from the USSR). Larry also was on the committee to establish the first Group Home in Pekin. He started the Key Club within PCHS. Larry has enjoyed serving on many committees and boards including: Tazewell County Branch of the American Cancer Society; Tazewell County Mental Health Board; Pekin Library Board for 17 years (Presiden...

Festival Planning Continues

The Marigold Festival Committee continues to meet and make plans for this year's festival. The group of 20 volunteers has been meeting monthly since the conclusion of the 2008 festival. The frequency of meetings will begin to pick up as the festival draws near. At the May meeting the committee approved Civic Collage contracts with American Association of University Women, Parkway Christian Church, Pekin Hospital League, and TAPS. The committee also approved contacts with the following organizations for the Pekin Insurance Festive Food Court: Pekin First Church of God, PCHS Choral Parents, PCHS/JROTC Boosters, and the Kiwanis Club of Pekin. The committee approved the following events: American Red Cross Blood Drive, Easter Seals Little Miss & Mr. Marigold Pageant, Parkside Athletics/Pekin Park District Sand Volleyball, Pekin Main Street Friday Night Family Fest, Ritchart Petting Zoo, and the Tazewel County Health Department Breast Feeding Tent.

Jimmy Johns Marigold Bags Tourney Applications Available

Last yearā€™s phenomenally successful Jimmy Johnā€™s Marigold Festival Bags Tournament is back for a 2nd year. The 2009 tournament will feature twice the number of teams (128) and twice the prize money. First prize is $1000. The tourney will be on Saturday, September 12th at Mineral Springs Park, Diamond #1. The first round begins at 12:00pm. Bags is a game similar to horseshoes (without the possibility of brain damage), but played with corn bags and portable game boards. The committee would like to thank the Pekin Community High School graphic arts class and teacher Steve Huey for designing the posters, entry forms, and newspaper advertising. So enter early (itā€™s cheaper) and come out to beautiful Mineral Springs Park to enjoy the sun and fun of a first class Bags tournament. Entry forms may be down loaded at or you can go to the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce or your local Jimmy Johnā€™s to pick up an entry form

Miss Marigold Pageant Contestants Needed

The Miss Marigold Pageant is an opportunity for young women ages 17 to 21 to model, perform and compete for nearly $3,000 in scholarship money. The pageant is open to the first twelve applicants meeting the criteria. The criteria, rules and applications are available at the PCHS Principal's office or at the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce, 402 Court Street. Application deadline is June 15th. If you know a young lady who would be a good contestant, please nominate her. Download and complete the nomination form below and the Miss Marigold Pageant committee will contact her. Nomination Form: