
Showing posts from May, 2013

Marigold Women's Golf Outing

The 6th Annual Marigold Women's Golf Outing will be on Saturday, August 24th at Parkview Golf Course.  The entry fee for the 2-woman scramble is just $90/team and includes a continental breakfast, hole contests, door prizes, goody bags, flight prizes, greens fees and cart.    Download the flyer for more information and a registration.  Contact Renna Hadsall at the chamber (346-2106) with questions or to donate prizes.

2013 Little Mr & MIss Marigold Pageant

The 2013 LITTLE MR & MISS MARIGOLD PAGEANT will be on Sunday, July 14, 2013 at the Pekin Moose. You can get all the information and a registration form at the link below. Registrations should be returned directly to the organizer.

Marigold Festival Seeks Grand Marshal Nominations

The Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for Grand Marshal of the 2013 Pekin Marigold Festival. This annual honor is presented by the Marigold Festival Committee to recognize a local resident (or couple) who has given freely to the betterment of our community and has demonstrated passion and dedication by giving generously of ti ... me and talents to a variety of charitable and community organizations and activities. Nominations should include as much information as possible about the nomineeā€™s volunteerism with community organizations and events. If possible provide specific dates, duties, responsibilities, accomplishments, etc. The deadline for nominations is May 31, 2013 and should be returned to the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce, 402 Court Street Pekin, IL 61554. Fax (309) 346-2104. Download the form at:

Subway Miss Marigold Pageant Applications

Applications for the 2013 Subway Miss Marigold Pageant are now available at the Pekin Area Chamber of Commerce.  More information about the rules, scholarship prizes and the pageant are availalbe at the chamber.  The deadline for pageant entries is June 3, at 4:30pm. The Subway Miss Marigold Pageant will be on Saturday, August 10th.

Mark Your Calendars

The 2013 Pekin Marigold Festival - September 5, 6, 7, and 8.